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Ricardo Lorenzetti

Ricardo Lorenzetti

Argentine Jurist with a longstanding trajectory in the national and international academic field. Nowadays, he is justice of the Supreme Court of Justice of Argentina.


• Doctor in Law and Social Sciences
• Member of the experts group of the Governing Council of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) 2019-2023
• Chairman of the Commission for the preparation of the reform, update and unification of the Civil and Commercial Codes of Argentina
• Goodwill Ambassador for Environmental Justice in the Americas, Organization of American States (OAS), 2016
• Member of the Governing Committee of the Global Judicial Institute on the Environment
• Member of the Environmental Justice Commission of the Ibero American Judicial Summit
• Co-President of the International Advisory Council for the Advancement of Justice, Governance and Law for Environmental Sustainability, United Nations Environment Programme, UN
• Member of the Steering Committee of IUCN -International Union for the Conservation of Nature-
• Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Social Sciences and Law of Córdoba, Argentina
• Member of the Academy of Law of Peru
• Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Paris, France
• Co-Director ad-honorem of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Neuroscience and Law, Secretariat of International Relations of the University of Buenos Aires, together with Dr Facundo Francisco Manes
• Member of the ‘Comitato straniero di Valutazione’, Doctorate in Consumer Law of the University of Perugia, 2017
• Tenure Professor of Civil and Commercial Contracts at the University of Buenos AiresEn este espacio, escriba un resumen breve de sus principales responsabilidades y sus mayores logros.



• Doctor Honoris Causa, National University of Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina
• Doctor Honoris Causa, National University of La Matanza, Buenos Aires, Argentina
• Doctor Honoris Causa, Catholic University of Salta, Argentina
• Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Morón, Argentina
• Doctor Honoris Causa, Siglo XXI University, Córdoba, Argentina
• Doctor Honoris Causa, Department of Law and Social Sciences, University of Mendoza, Argentina
• Doctor Honoris Causa, Federal University of Porto Alegre, Brazil
• Doctor Honoris Causa, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
• Doctor Honoris Causa, National University of the South, Bahía Blanca, Argentina
• Doctor Honoris Causa, National University of Córdoba, Argentina
• Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Jujuy, Argentina
• Doctor Honoris Causa, National University of Tucumán, San Miguel del Tucumán, Argentina
• Doctor Honoris Causa, National University of the North-East, Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina
• Doctor Honoris Causa, National University of the Littoral, Santa Fe, Argentina
• Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Lima, Peru
• Doctor Honoris Causa, Garcilaso de la Vega University, Lima, Peru
• Doctor Honoris Causa, National University of Cajamarca, Peru
• Honoris Causa, Private University of San Pedro de Trujillo, Peru
• Distinction Honorary Professor, Private University of the North of Lima, Peru
• Distinction Honorary Professor, Department of Law and Political Science, Garcilaso de la Vega Inca University, Peru
• Honour of Merit, Great National University of San Marcos, Peru
• Grand Officer, Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity, honour conferred by the Italian government
• B’nai B’rith Human Rights Award 2010, awarded by B’nai B’rith Argentina, Buenos Aires, 23rd November, 2010
• National Award for Freedom of Expression, granted by Editorial Perfil, Buenos Aires, 22nd October, 2014
• Award from the Buenos Aires National Academy of Law and Social Sciences for the paper “Las Normas Fundamentales de Derecho Privado” [´Fundamental Principles of Private Law´]
• Award in Civil Law from the Córdoba National Academy of Law and Social Sciences, 1993
• Academic Merit Award granted by the National Autonomous University of Mexico Department of Law, October, 2004



• He has developed an intense academic activity in post-graduate courses. He directs the career in Environmental Law, the post-graduate Specialisation in Tort Law and the Programme in Commercial Contracts at University of Buenos Aires. Before being appointed to the Supreme Court of Argentina, he taught post-graduate courses at the following universities: University of Palermo, Austral University, Social and Administration Sciences University, National University of Littoral, Catholic University of Rosario, National University of Tucumán and University of Mendoza
• In Europe, he has given lectures at various universities, such as the University of Salamanca, the Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, and the European Institute of Firenze
• In the United Sates, he has given lectures at the University of Columbia, Yale, NYU and the American Law Institute
• In Brazil, he has given lectures at the following universities: University of Sao Paulo, University of Porto Alegre, University of Curitiba, University of Belho Horizonte, University of Rio de Janeiro; he has participated in diverse meetings in almost all the Brazilian states, and six of his books have been translated into Portuguese and published by Revista dos Tribunais –some of them with a second edition-
• In Chile, he has given lectures at the following universities: Catholic University, University of Chile, University of Valparaíso, University of the Andes; and he was the Course Convener in the MA in Private Law at the Catholic University of Valparaiso
• In Mexico, he has given lectures at the Autonomous University of México, the National School and the Mexican Centre of Uniform Law, and he has published two books
• In Uruguay, he has given several lectures and he is Professor Emeritus at University of the Republic
• In Peru, he has published five books and received several awards. Recently, a conference in his honour has been held
• In Hawai, he participated as a speaker at the Second Global Symposium, organized by the Global Judicial Institute on the Environment (GJIE), the World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL) of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS), UN Environment Programme (UNEP), and the Environmental Law Institute (ELI).



Some of his main publications are:
• 2019 “Teoría del Derecho ambiental”, in collaboration with Pablo Lorenzetti, Paraguay.
• 2019 “Teoría del Derecho ambiental”, in collaboration with Pablo Lorenzetti, Colombia.
• 2019 Principios e instituciones de Derecho ambiental, in collaboration with Pablo Lorenzetti, Madrid, Wolters Kluwer España S.A.
• 2018 Derecho Ambiental, in collaboration with Pablo Lorenzetti. Santa Fe: Editorial Rubinzal-Culzoni Editores,.
• 2018 Tratado de los Contratos – Parte General: Third edition plus the Civil Code. Santa Fe: Rubinzal-Culzoni Editores.
• 2017 Justicia Colectiva: Segunda Edición ampliada y actualizada Buenos Aires: Rubinzal Culzoni Editores
• 2016 Fundamentos de Derecho Privado. Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación Argentina (published in Argentina and Uruguay)
• 2016 “Responsabilidad Civil de los médicos” Second Edition. Santa Fe: Rubinzal Culzoni-
• 2015 The Art of Making Justice. The intimacy of the most difficult cases of the Supreme Court of Argentina, Madrid: Thomson Reuters (published in Spanish, English and Portuguese in Argentina, Spain, United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal, France, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay and Chile)
• 2014 Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación Comentado, Buenos Aires: Rubinzal y Culzoni Editores
• 2013 Colección Máximos Precedentes – Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, Responsabilidad Civil, Director: Ricardo L Lorenzetti, Buenos Aires: Editorial La Ley
• 2012 ‘Conflictos colectivos’ chapter in: El Derecho en movimiento, Buenos Aires: Rubinzal y Culzoni Editores
• 2011 La empresa médica, 2nd edition, Buenos Aires: Rubinzal Culzoni Editores
• 2011 Derechos humanos: justicia y reparación, Buenos Aires: Ed. Sudamericana
• 2010 Justicia Colectiva, Buenos Aires: Rubinzal
• 2009 Consumidores, 2nd edition, Buenos Aires: Rubinzal
• 2008 Teoría del Derecho Ambiental, Buenos Aires: La Ley 2008 (published in Argentina, Brazil, México and Spain)
• 2005 Teoría de la decisión judicial – Fundamentos de derecho, Buenos Aires: Rubinzal 2005. (published in Argentina, Brasil, Perú, México and Colombia)
• 2005 Contratos de servicios a los consumidores, Buenos Aires: Editorial Rubinzal y Culzoni
• 2002 La emergencia económica y los contratos, Buenos Aires: Editorial Rubinzal y Culzoni
• 2001 Tratado de los contratos-Parte general, 2nd edition, Buenos Aires: Editorial Rubinzal y Culzoni
• 2001 Las normas fundamentales de derecho privado, Buenos Aires: Rubinzal (published in Argentina, Brazil and Peru)
• 2001 Comercio electrónico, Buenos Aires: Abeledo Perrot (published in Argentina and Brazil)
• 2000 Tratado de los contratos-Parte especial, Buenos Aires: Editorial Rubinzal y Culzoni
• 1998 La empresa médica, Santa Fe: Editorial Rubinzal y Culzoni
• 1997 Responsabilidad civil del médico, Santa Fe: Editorial Rubinzal-Culzoni
• 1993 Responsabilidad por daños derivados de los accidentes de trabajo, Buenos Aires: Editorial Abeledo Perrot
• 1993 La responsabilidad profesional, Buenos Aires: Editorial Abeledo Perrot
• 1993 Defensa del consumidor -LEY 24.240-, Santa Fe: Editorial Rubinzal y Culzoni
• 1991 Contratos médicos, Buenos Aires: Editorial Larroca
• 1988 Convenciones colectivas de trabajo, Santa Fe: Editorial Rubinzal y Culzoni
• 1986 Responsabilidad civil del médico, Santa Fe: Editorial Rubinzal y Culzoni

He has dictated more than one thousand lectures and published more than 30 books in Argentina and abroad, as well as more than 300 articles in specialised publications.