Environmental Law theory
(Teoría del Derecho Ambiental)
Co-writer: Pablo Lorenzetti
Publishing house (in spanish): Grupo Editorial Ibáñez
Year 2019
First part. The state of environmental law: Chapter I. The environmental paradigm; Chapter II. The state of environmental law. Second part. Environmental law: Chapter III. The environmental paradigm; Chapter IV Principles and guidelines; Chapter V. Principles of prevention and precaution; Chapter VI Environmental function; Chapter VII. Water and landscape regulation. Third part. The application of environmental law: Chapter VIII. Voluntary application; Chapter IX The civil liability system for environmental damage; Chapter X. Civil liability characteristics; Chapter XI The collective environmental process; Chapter XII Sentence.
The art of making justice. The intimacy behind the Court’s most difficult cases
(El arte de hacer justicia. La intimidad de los casos más difíciles de la Corte Suprema de Argentina)
Publishing house (in spanish): Temis
Year 2015
What is it like to do justice in Argentina? What happens behind the doors of the Palace (Palacio de Tribunales)? How are the most delicate rulings solved? This book began with the idea of answering those questions and exposing the work of the Supreme Court to the citizens, to those who are not lawyers or don’t know the language of law. But it ended up becoming something bigger. Based on important cases, the book analyzes the conduct of diverse, multicultural societies, the articulation of conflicts and consensus, the protection of freedom of expression, the ability to freely decide our lifestyles, the debate on equality of subsidies or opportunities, social exclusion, environmental protection and the rule of law. Ricardo Lorenzetti, president of the Supreme Court from 2004 to 2018, narrates in this book, in a kind, “easy-to-read” language, with few (if not any) legal terms, and in the first person, the unknown details of the most complex cases that the Argentine Justice had to face in the last years and that gave birth to a rereading of the Constitution, facing the most acute problems of our society. The book shows the debates inside and outside the Court and marks the great guidelines of the 21st century’s new cycle of governance.
Fundamentals of Law and Judicial Reasoning
(Fundamentos del Derecho y Razonamiento Judicial)
Publishing house (in spanish): Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Grupo Editorial Ibáñez
Year 2011
Presentation (Dr. Carlos Ignacio Jaramillo J.). Foreword (Dr. Fernando de Trazegnies Granda). Introduction: What is this book about? First part. The “disorder” era. Chapter I. The phenomenon of decoding. Second part. The law system. Chapter I. The rule of recognition. – Chapter II. The sources.– Chapter III. Fundamental rights and institutional norms.- Chapter IV. Principles and values. – Chapter V. Substantive and procedural guarantees. – Chapter VI. Degrees of effectiveness. Third part. The judicial decision Chapter I. Judicial reasoning scheme. – Chapter II. The debate on the judicial decision.– Chapter III. The consequentialist analysis. – Chapter IV. Conflicts between rules and principles. Fourth part. Paradigms for the decision. Chapter I. The paradigm of access to primary legal assets/goods. – Chapter II. The protective paradigm. – Chapter III. The collective paradigm. – Chapter IV. The consequentialist paradigm. – Chapter V. The paradigm of the State of constitutional law. – Chapter VI. The environmental paradigm Bibliography.
Electronic Commerce 3. Private law institutions
(Comercio electrónico 3. Instituciones de Derecho Privado)
Management: : Ricardo Luis Lorenzetti and Carlos Alberto Soto Coahuila
Publishing house (in spanish): ARA Ed